Coal mine safety management index system and environmental risk model based on sustainable operation(基于可持续经营的煤矿安全管理指标体系及环境风险模型)
Abstract / 摘要
With the increasing use of coal mine resources, some modern large coal mines have advanced and perfect safety equipment, reasonable personnel structure, and perfect rules and regulations, but why do major accidents start to occur? In addition to the complex geological conditions of China's coal mines, another important factor has attracted our attention, that is, the efficiency of coal mine safety management. This paper aims to study the coal mine safety management index system and environmental risk model based on sustainable operation. Based on the coal mine safety index of sustainable management, this paper proposes a mining algorithm for coal mine safety text classification and hazard source association rules. And this paper analyzes the safety management efficiency of the safety index system based on DEA and DEA-Malmquist. The analysis results prove that the evaluation values of coal mine safety management of the selected 20 coal mining enterprises from 2012 to 2017 were 0.602, 0.645, 0.570, 0.667, 0.771 and 0.705, respectively. The interval range of the data is between [0.55, 0.85], indicating that the evaluation level of safety management efficiency of Chinese coal mining enterprises is general and at a medium level.
《地球物理学报》Chinese Journal of Geophysics报道地球物理学领域的研究成果,刊登论文、研究简报及综述等。内容涉及地震及地球内部物理学和化学、地磁及空间物理、重力及大地测量学、大地构造物理学、地球动力学、勘探地球物理、海洋及大气物理等方面。读者对象为地球物理及其相关学科的科学技术工作者和大专院校师生。