remote sensing领域论文期刊目录
关于遥感领域的英文期刊有很多,这里就汇总了部分remote sensing领域论文期刊目录,在选择期刊的时候要结合每个人不同的情况,选择合适的期刊可以大大提高论文发表成功的概率,有任何发表问题都可以咨询我们的在线学术顾问。
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis
Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
International Journal of Cartography
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
South African Journal of Geomatics
Revue Internationale de Geomatique
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
Boletim de Ciencias Geodesicas
Spatial Information Research
Journal of Geodetic Science
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
Journal of Applied Geodesy
Revista de Teledeteccion
Geodesy and Cartography
Satellite Navigation
Applied Geomatics
Remote Sensing
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine
Geodetski List
Big Earth Data