2 化工用离心泵概述
3 离心泵故障成因
3.1 转子弯曲
3.2 转子与定子摩擦
3.3 转子不平衡
4 离心泵故障诊断措施
4.1 离心泵完好的标准
4.2 人工神经网络诊断
4.3 离心泵的维护保养
**Abstract**: Marine centrifugal pump is one of the important factors that cause ship vibration, so the research on centrifugal pump vibration is particularly important. In this paper, in order to study the flow-induced vibration characteristics of centrifugal pump, a virtual prototype model of the centrifugal pump is established in finite element method. The theory of Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is utilized to analyze the inner flow field of the centrifugal pump, and steady-state calculation and transient calculation of the flow field are completed. The fluid forces acquired from the transient calculation results of flow field are used as the excitation loads for the virtual prototype model of the centrifugal pump. The fluid-solid coupling model of the centrifugal pump is built, and the vibration acceleration of the centrifugal pump's foot is calculated, and the flow-induced vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump are obtained. The data of the centrifugal pump measured in the experiment are consistent with the simulation results. This study provide reference for the fluid-solid coupling method in centrifugal pump fluid field prediction and flow-induced vibration research.
**Keywords**: Centrifugal pump, Vibration, Computational fluid dynamics, Finite element
Centrifugal pump as a widely used hydraulic equipment, a large number of studies have been devoted to the analysis of vibration reasons and regular characteristics of centrifugal pumps [1-3]. The fluid force is the main excitation source of centrifugal pump vibration, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is increasingly used to simulate fluid flow in the centrifugal pump [4-6]. The theory of CFD is utilized to analyze the inner flow field of the centrifugal pump, and analysis of vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump. Regarding the influence of fluid excitation force on vibration, a large number of studies have begun to focus on the simulation of the internal flow field and the analysis of the law of pressure pulsation. The one-way fluid-structure interaction approach is presented to predict the vibrations at specific operating conditions[7,8].In order to determine the vibration of the pump rotor caused by the excitation force, Benra ed al.[9] uses one-way coupling and two-way coupling to solve the mechanical coupling of the flowfield in the pump and the structure of the pump rotor. Comparing the two calculation results with experiments and found that the latter calculation result is better. Si et al. [10] established a two-way fluid-solid coupling calculation model for the rotor system including the impeller and shaft, obtained the stress and deformation distribution of the rotor system, and proposed a set of optimization methods for the geometric parameters of the impeller.
In order to explore the vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump, this paper simulates the internal flow field of the centrifugal pump based on the CFD theory. The fluid excitation of the internal flow field is calculated, the fluid-solid coupling model is established, the vibration acceleration of the centrifugal pump foot is calculated, and the flow-induced vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump are obtained. The data of the centrifugal pump measured in the experiment are consistent with the simulation results. This study provide reference for the fluid-solid coupling method in centrifugal pump performance prediction and flow-induced vibration research.
In this chapter, a virtual prototype model of the centrifugal pump is established in finite element method. Based on hydrodynamic theory, a calculation model for fluid field is established in the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent.
### A. Pump structure and parameters
The research object of this paper is a single-stage vertical electric centrifugal pump. The whole centrifugal pump unit is divided into two parts, the pump and the motor. The coaxial design is adopted to avoid the torque and bending moment caused by the misalignment of the rotor. The blade structure is 5 long blades and 5 short blades, and adopts a closed structure design. The main performance parameters of the pump are shown in Table 1. Virtual prototype model of the centrifugal pump is established shown in Fig. 1.
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Power(kw) | Discharge(m/h) | Lif(m) | Speed(r/min) |
| 3 | 18 | 24.5 | 2950 |

### B. Numerical model
In order to establish a fluid-solid coupling model to analyze the vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump, the centrifugal pump model and the fluid model of the centrifugal pump were established, and the preprocessing of the model was completed in the finite element software Ansys.
1) **Modeling and grid generation**
According to the prototype model of centrifugal pump, the 3D model of centrifugal pump is established. Considering the convenience of finite element mesh division and the improvement of calculation efficiency in the later stage of simulation software, the model was simplified reasonably, the pump shaft, sealing ring and sleeve adopt structured grids, and the front pump cover, pump casing, impeller and bracket adopt unstructured grids. Considering that the motor part is not the focus of this research, the motor shell is used as a rigid body. Several attempts have been made to determine the optimal control of the parts with a unit of 6mm size. The centrifugal pump grid model generates a total of 211,285 nodes and 125,152 elements. Most of the grid cells have a mass distribution between 0.7 and 1.0, which has a good grid quality. The model is shown in Fig. 2.

The watershed model be built, which mainly includes inlet pipeline, outlet pipeline, volute and impeller. Then the watershed model will be meshed in finite element software. According to the structural characteristics, finite element meshes of parts(including inlet pipeline and outlet pipeline) with regular geometric structure are generated in hex dominant method. And for volute and impeller with complex geometric structure, the finite element mesh is obtained in tetrahedralmesh method. After several tests, optimal grid size is determined as 2mm. The finished finite element watershed model is shown in Fig. 3. The finite element mesh of the centrifugal pump basin model generates 87,838 nodes and 302,556 elements, which meet the requirements of fluent mesh.

2) **Setting**
The calculation of the fluid force of the basin model requires parameters and boundary conditions. The model adopts the standard k-ε model, and the inlet and outlet conditions adopt mass flow inlet and pressure outlet. In order to get a better convergence result, the standard of the residual value is set to $10^{-5}$. Taking 0.001s as a time step, the number of iterations for each time step is set to 40. In order to make the flow field fully developed and stable, 300 iterations are performed first, and after the flow field has a sufficient number of iterations to eliminate the instability of the numerical calculation, the next 500 steps are calculated. The calculation results of each time steps are recorded in Fluent as the fluid excitation of the subsequent fluid-structure coupling model.
In this chapter, based on the numerical model established above, steady-state calculation and transient calculation of the flow field are completed. Analyzed the internal flow field of the centrifugal pump, and the force of the fluid on the impeller is calculated. A fluid-solid coupling model is established, and the vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump are solved based on the finite element theory.
### A. Analysis of internal flow field
The static pressure distribution on each wall of the centrifugal pump shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the pressure distribution of the centrifugal pump satisfies the following law: the pressure at the inlet is the smallest, and the pressure at the outlet is the largest. As the impeller rotates to do work on the fluid, the pressure of the flow field from the inlet section to the outlet extension section gradually increases. This pressure change indicates the process of pressurizing the fluid passing through the centrifugal pump.

### B. Fluid excitation
When the transient flow field calculation converges, the radial resultant force and axial closing moment are recorded to obtain the periodic fluid excitation load on the impeller. After Fourier transform, the frequency domain distribution of fluid exciting force on impeller is obtained shown in Fig. 5. The radial fluid force on the impeller alternates in its rotational frequency (48 Hz). The blade passing frequency is 240Hz and 480Hz, corresponding to the frequency domain peak distribution of the axial total moment. Proven the accuracy of the calculation model.

### C. Characteristics of flow-induced vibration
The fluid forces acquired from the transient calculation results of flow field are used as the excitation loads for the virtual prototype model of the centrifugal泵, and realize the fluid-structure coupling calculation by applying the flow field load at each time step shown in Fig. 6.

Based on finite element theory, use the node near the fixed bolt on the bracket as the vibration measurement point of the centrifugal pump and record it transient response data, the measurement point shown in Fig. 7.

The vibration acceleration response is shown in Fig. 8. The main peak points in the three directions of the vibration frequency域 are located at 192 Hz, 240 Hz, and 480 Hz. Compared with other peak points, the 240Hz peak point corresponds to a larger amplitude. The pressure pulsation of the flow field in the centrifugal pump is mainly caused by the rotation of the blades, so the main peak point of the flowinduced vibration response of the centrifugal pump appears at the blade frequency.

### D. Test
Fig. 9 shows the test bench device for centrifugal pump. During the test, the vibration sensor is arranged at the four machine feet of the bracket to collect the vibration data of the centrifugal泵. Four acceleration sensors are installed beside the four bolts of the bracket. The experimental results is expressed as acceleration level (La), its unit is decibel(dB).

As the difference of vibration acceleration level between acceleration sensor No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 is not obvious, hence mainly analyzing the test data of sensor No. 2. The spectrogram of experimental results and simulation results in the Z direction shown in Fig.10.

The vibration acceleration level peaks at the measuring points mostly appear near the fundamental frequency of 48 Hz, 5 times of 240 Hz, and 10 times of 480 Hz, which verifies the conclusion of the frequency domain analysis. The amplitude of the simulation calculation result is generally smaller than the test result. This is because in the simulation calculation, the rotor system is an ideal structural model, and there is no unbalanced mass. The comparison diagram of simulation calculation results and test results can be seen that the key peak points of 48Hz, 192hz, 240Hz and 480Hz are in great agreement with the test results, and the distribution and change of the overall peak points are consistent with the test results.
Based on hydrodynamic theory, a calculation model for fluid field is established in the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent, and obtains the pressure distribution and the excitation force of the internal flow field. The fluid-solidcoupling model is established, the vibration acceleration of the centrifugal pump's foot is calculated, and the flow-induced vibration characteristics of the centrifugal pump are obtained. The data of the centrifugal pump measured in the vibration experiment are consistent with the simulation results. the conclusions as following:
The radial fluid force on the impeller alternates in rotational frequency(48Hz). The blade passing frequency is 240Hz and 480Hz, corresponding to the frequency domain peak distribution of the axial total moment.
Centrifugal pumps will vibrate strongly at the rotation frequency(48Hz) and blade passing frequency (240Hz and 480Hz) within 500hz. It is recommended to take vibration damping measures for the vibration at the rotation frequency and blade passing frequency in the actual installation.