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时间:2025-01-03 分类:国际英文期刊常识 浏览量:






  Abstract — A new approach to evaluating photovoltaic performance under artificial illumination is demonstrated. Several photovoltaic technologies are characterized under a standardized set of conditions in which radiant intensity and spectral composition of a light source are systematically varied. The results underscore the importance of establishing clear standards for photovoltaic characterization in emerging fields like energy harvesting.

  Index Terms — energy harvesting, photovoltaic cells, indoor environments, light sources.


  Shrinking energy requirements of modern microelectronics could enable energy scavenged from ambient environments to supplement or replace traditional power storage mechanisms [1]-[2]. Harvesting energy from waste light and vibration is of particular relevance to low-power portable devices and distributed networks, which operate in environments with variable energy resources [1].

  While solar energy is abundant outdoors, on average Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, in artificial light [3]. Photovoltaic devices are classically optimized for the solar spectrum. But while sunlight intensity outdoors is typically 100mW/cm², indoor light levels are orders of magnitude dimmer, typically <100µW/cm² at table-height [2]. Furthermore, because energy-efficient fluorescent and LED lighting have largely replaced incandescent light bulbs, the spectral profile of artificial light has changed from broad, low-temperature blackbodies to sharply-peaked, narrow spectra. Photovoltaic efficiency under these nonstandard conditions varies drastically from efficiencies derived at AM 1.5 conditions. In this paper, we quantify these differences.

  To demonstrate how substantially different spectral inputs can impact photovoltaic efficiency, we estimate ultimate efficiency limits for several materials and light spectra. Shockley defines ultimate efficiency simply as

  NEg / Eincident

  where N is the number of photons at or in excess of the band gap energy Eg, and Eincident define the total energy contained in the spectrum [5]. This simple formulation assumes that each photon incident on a semiconductor in excess of its band gap has the exact same effect, and each photon below the gap has no effect. While nonidealites of absorption, radiative recombination, exciton generation, etendue, thermalization, and Carnot efficiency are ignored, this expression nonetheless provides a valuable first-order limit to photovoltaic efficiency.


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